

  • Participate in quarterly, regional or neighborhood events and tours to economic centers

  • 与关注地区或社区皇冠HGA010官方下载的商业领袖建立联系

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区域 & 社区计划旨在将伙伴关系直接带给Hga010皇冠软件下载的会员和整个大休斯顿地区的商业社区. The program is gearing up in 2019. 
2019年夏天, 地区和社区项目访问了清湖地区和美国宇航局约翰逊航天中心,以了解该地区的经济状况.



New Partnership Members in April

The Greater Houston Partnership welcomed 24 new member companies in the month of April. The Partnership works to connect companies with resources, 信息, 和网络机会,以帮助增加皇冠HGA010官方下载,同时也提供了一个平台,以影响该地区的方向.   New members who joined in the month of April include:  ARCADIS-US公司.: Arcadis-US offers infrastructure engineering and environmental, health and safety consulting services, 技术分析, 工程设计, 施工管理, and environmental investigation and remediation services. 网站.  Cafe Natalie Catering: Cafe Natalie Catering是一家位于德克萨斯州休斯顿韦斯特切斯的餐饮集团. 网站.   CellReady: CellReady is a biotechnology research company, providing cell and gene therapy (CGT) companies with an optimized, 可伸缩的, and standardized G-Rex centric cell manufacturing process. 网站.  克拉克建设集团, 有限责任公司:克拉克建筑集团是一家建筑公司,拥有从公共到私人的投资组合, 企业文化, 从教育到娱乐, and the infrastructure connecting it all – power, 交通, 水, 和道路. 网站.  “发现你”:“发现你”是一个非营利性组织,旨在帮助和联系个人, 这个家庭, and the community with the 信息, 知识, skills and resources needed to be successful. 网站.  海瑞克 & Struggles: 海瑞克 & Struggles is an Executive 搜索 and Leadership Advisory service for companies worldwide in the profit and not-for-profit sectors. 网站.  休斯敦精密紧固件:休斯敦精密紧固件是航空和航天紧固件和机加工零件的制造商. 网站.  Just Touch Interactive: Just Touch Interactive是一家通过SBE认证的少数族裔公司,为工业和城市基础设施项目提供高保真3D解决方案.  网站.   KNJ Wealth Management Group LLC: KNJ Wealth Management Group provides financial, 保险, real estate and relocation services through seven subsidiary firms in Houston. 网站.  M3科技集团:M3科技集团提供专注于企业规划的供应链管理解决方案,先进的资产调度和调配优化软件. 网站.  Marathon Capital: Marathon Capital is an independent investment bank. 网站.  微波加工系统, MWM系统是一家咨询机构,提供全面的多元化培训计划,旨在帮助您的公司. 网站.  Nellons-Paige Group: Nellons-Paige Group is a consulting firm. 网站.  Nexus PMG: Nexus PMG is a commercial and residential construction company. 网站.  Octa 首页s: Octa 首页s is a real estate developer in Houston, Texas. 网站.   P&A Recruiting LLC: Popham & Ashby (P&A)是一家专门从事高管人才搜索和人才招聘的咨询公司. 网站.  Packwell: Packwell is a Plastic Bagging and 物流 company in Houston, Texas. 网站.   光伏硬件解决方案:光伏硬件解决方案是一家可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载设备制造公司. 网站.  Reddy Neumann Brown PC: Reddy Neumann Brown PC是一家位于德克萨斯州休斯顿的移民律师事务所. 网站.  Rocket Ready-Mix: Rocket Ready-Mix是德克萨斯州休斯顿建筑行业的混凝土混合料供应商. 网站.  SCS Technologies Ltd: SCS Technologies Ltd provides high-quality pioneering technologies, systems and services making technology. 网站.  妇女之家:妇女之家帮助处于危机中的妇女重获自尊和尊严, empowering them to return to society as productive, 自给自足的人. 网站.  ThinkBig Productions: ThinkBig Productions specializes in award-winning corporate, 纪录片, 以及叙事视频. We are a full-service production company handling all aspects of moving images, from concept to post-production delivery. 网站.  WASTELINQ公司.: WASTELINQ provides waste treatment technology for generators, 服务提供商, 以及处理设施. 网站.  Click here to see the Partnership's 会员 目录.   To learn more about membership with the Greater Houston Partnership click here, or contact membership@bradyallen.net. 

Historic Heights Building to be Transformed into Mixed-Use Development

前Swift & Co. 大楼位于休斯顿繁华的高地社区,将被改造成一个4.47-acre mixed-use development.  Expected to begin construction later this year, 发展, 被称为“雨燕大厦”, 将包含60多个,000 square feet dedicated to retail, 办公及餐饮空间, all overlooking the popular Heights Hike-and-Bike Trail nearby. According to the Houston Chronicle, Random Capital and Triten 房地产, the developers behind the initiative, 亦会否透过活化周围的绿化空间及引入新的入口通道,提升行人进入建筑物的便利性.   单击展开 Originally established in 1917 as a cottonseed oil refinery, 这座拥有百年历史的建筑后来在20世纪50年代转变为该地区最大的肉类加工厂之一, 由斯威夫特和公司提供. In a bid to safeguard its rich history, the developers are pursuing a historic designation for the building. 该项目预计于2025年完工,计划在同一年内开设餐厅.  This isn't the first revitalization project for this development duo. They previously spearheaded the M-K-T development in the Heights, 在那里,他们把五座历史悠久的工业建筑改造成了一个充满活力的4英亩的多功能综合体,现在拥有30家餐馆和商户.  “Swift is a natural extension of our shared vision for M-K-T. Rather than tear down an important symbol of Houston’s — and the Heights' — past, 相反,Hga010皇冠软件下载想要拥抱它的特点,并将其重新定位为一个真正独特的社区设施和体验,斯科特·阿诺德, founder of Triten 房地产 Partners told the Houston Chronicle.  单击展开 与此同时, 与此同时,开发商正在努力独立地振兴整个休斯顿的老旧建筑. Random Capital recently unveiled plans to renovate the Tower Theater building, formerly housing Acme Oyster House, along with several neighboring buildings in Montrose, into a pedestrian-friendly retail center. 被称为韦斯特海默1111号, 该工程将跨越35年,000 square feet and is slated to commence construction this summer, 目标是到2025年完成.  单击展开 另外, Triten 房地产 is progressing with its latest project, 这个工厂, a mixed-use development situated in Houston's East End. 该项目旨在将以前的工业木材厂场地改造成一个充满活力的多功能综合体. 初始阶段包括341个多户住宅单元和超过6000平方英尺的零售空间. Subsequent phases will introduce a seven-story parking garage spanning 145,368 square feet.  Discover more about living in Houston. 



Manufacturing, 物流 and Distribution Forum

Houston has the skilled workforce, expertise and logistics capabilities needed to manufacture, 运输和配送货物给全国各地和世界各地的客户-定位为理想的位置…


“作为一个终生的休斯敦人, 我特别高兴能成为该伙伴关系的一员,并感谢他们为休斯顿市及周边社区的经济增长和发展所做的伟大工作.”


“成为合伙企业的一员是我作为首席执行官做出的最专业的决定之一. Even though I’m leading a nonprofit, 与不同行业的组织交流的能力是非常有用的. 通过与商界的思想领袖互动并从中受益,我发现他们确实在解决Hga010皇冠软件下载所面临的同样问题."

总统 & 纽豪斯教育中心首席执行官

“更大的休斯顿伙伴关系,感谢你继续是一个很好的信息资源. Very proud to be a member of this organization that so well represents Houston, 这是企业和人的关系.”

Business Development Manager, Industrial Tax Consulting

"With one of the largest databases of members, [the Partnership] is a wonderful networking resource for me."

Neal Talmadge

"The quality of the programs are top-notched, 正因为如此, the attendees are top-notched as well. 高质量的人际关系很好!"




“休斯顿拥有创业所需的大量原材料——一流大学, 可承受的生活成本, 巨大的财富, 因此,在休斯敦建立一个创业中心就是要把所有这些因素集中在一个屋檐下,为企业家提供他们成功所需的工具."

创始人 & The Cannon首席执行官
This program and its benefits are exclusive to Partnership members. Learn more about becoming a company member today.

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  • Participate in quarterly, regional or neighborhood events and tours to economic centers
  • 与关注地区或社区皇冠HGA010官方下载的商业领袖建立联系
  • Resources, 知识, and contacts to develop your regional or neighborhood business 
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